To have a quamtum jump ... you need to cut all the connections that you have today ... in the real life … written by the romanian writter Adrian Gabriel Dumitru

I’ve been dreaming a lot of a big change in my life ... and i was actually looking for a shortcut to do that ... but actually not understanding what i should really do.

I was actually looking for a quamtum jump ... but i saw almost too late that this was not something difficult, but a process that i could do right away ... but had to do it inside of myself as the result to be seen in the outside world.

But instead of applying this concept ... i lost a very long time caring too much about what was going on around me ... seeing the evil side of the world ... and being too much under those negative influences.

I did not knew that all i was seeing around ... was just a reflection of my soul. 

And the world looked like a world dominated by evil people ... and i was the victim of all kind of circumstances, without seeing that in fact ... i can simple disconnect those this scene and connect to beautiful energies.

Instead of spending my life with so many ugly people from the timeline of my life, i could simple admire the trees, enjoy


the walks on the streets, interact only with the people that i was feeling that will have a positive impact on myself ... and actually dare to change the path of my journey ... from negativity to positivity.

For a very, very long time ... i thought that a secret of a beautiful life .... was to work hard and to be involved in many things ... so my life to look that has a meaning ... but to get the big change, that quamtum jump ... i just had to connect to my inner self ... that was actually the gateway to the Universe.

But it took such a long time to see that all those connections i had with everybody around ... kept me as a hostage in a world that i don’t like anymore ... and probably never like it.

I had to be more selective, or even worst ... to cur all the connections with the people from my life and stay connected just with the inner self, at least till i understand what this jump was about.

And it was funny to realize that any kind of change can be done, when you have the right connection with the Universe ... even the quamtum jump.

Disconnecting from everything was ... the trick ... but is it easy to do it?!

Well ... hell no ... cause this might mean to pay a big price ... and stop the connections with the people that we work with most of the time, close friends ... and even close family members ... like brother, sisters and even parents.

So ... are you sure you want to pay the price?!

Well ... depends how much you really want that big change ... the quamtum jump ... otherwise don’t even bother to mention the evil influences of any kind ... from the


environment you are living in.

Everything becomes a simple decision ... and you need to think well if you go in one direction with all the others around you ... or choose a totally different that, that not so many know about ... but most probably is the real path destined to you.


Download the book ”My relationship with the devil redefined my life” written by the romanian author Adrian Dumitru for FREE.


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